Pokémon: Path to the Peak is an animated short film based on the trading card game
Will premiere at Pokémon Championships 2023.
An animated short based on the Pokémon Trading Card Game will premiere at the Pokémon World Championships 2023.
Revealed during the Pokémon Presents presentation UK: Pokémon Presents | 08.08.2023 released earlier today, Pokémon: Path to the Peak is an animated short film that follows a young girl on her journey to become the best possible Pokémon TCG player. A brief trailer was shown during the presentation, which saw the film’s main protagonist, Ava, moving to a new home and joining a new school, before meeting a group of students who play the trading card game with each other.
The trailer depicted Ava entering her new school with trepidation, before receiving an invitation to the Pokémon Club, a collection of students who battle against one another via Pokémon TCG matches. Footage from the trailer revealed that the Pokémon TCG battles in the short would feature animations depicting the Pokémon’s various attacks and moves, with Pokémon such as Misdreavus, Jolteon and Trevanent appearing.
According to Andy Gose, senior director of Media Production at The Pokémon Company International, Ava will have a partner Pokémon in Oddish – the adorable grass Pokémon - and will derive support from her “family, community and new-found friendship” in order to become a great Pokémon Trading Card Game player.

The title of the short, Pokémon: Path to the Peak, shares its name with a Stadium card from the Chilling Reign expansion for the Pokémon Trading Card, which cancels out all abilities shown in a Pokémon card’s rulebox – which refers to the descriptor that certain cards, such as Pokémon V cards, include.
Pokémon: Path to the Peak will premiere on August 11th during the Pokémon World Championships 2023, which will take place in Yokohama, Japan, over this coming weekend.