Eberron creator returns to the arcanepunk Dungeons & Dragons setting in a new 5E book - and it’s out today
Chronicles of Eberron offers a deeper dive into the science-magic universe.
The designer behind Dungeons & Dragons setting Eberron is releasing a new D&D 5E sourcebook based in the magical steampunk-inspired universe.
Keith Baker originally created Eberron for a contest run by D&D publisher Wizards of the Coast in 2002, going on to win the competition and release a full sourcebook detailing the world, Eberron Campaign Setting, for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 two years later.
Baker originally pitched the idea as “The Lord of the Rings meets Raiders of the Lost Ark in the Maltese Falcon”, with Eberron melding together influences from noir, pulp adventures and an in-world combination of magic and science that often sees it labelled as “arcanepunk” - a magical twist on the popular steampunk genre.
Over the last near-decade, Baker has released a number of modules and sourcebooks in Eberron for D&D, including releases for later editions 4E and the most recent Fifth Edition.
The last book published directly by Wizards of the Coast itself was D&D 5E’s Eberron: Rising from the Last War in 2019, with Baker since releasing supplements Exploring Eberron, Eberron Confidential and Dread Metrol: Into the Mists in 2020 and 2021 via third-party D&D marketplace Dungeon Masters Guild.
Chronicles of Eberron sees Baker return to the setting, joined by co-designer Imogen Gingell.

The 207-page book is said to delve deeper into the lore of Eberron’s world for use by dungeon masters running campaigns in the universe, as well as offering new monsters, items, spells, character creation options and other gameplay mechanics for players.
Publishing the book is Twogether Studios, the studio co-founded by Baker and game designer Jennifer Ellis, with this being another third-party offering rather than a direct Wizards of the Coast release.
Chronicles of Eberron is due to hit Dungeon Masters Guild later today, December 2nd, and will be available in digital and a physical print-on-demand edition.