7 best Into the Inklands emerald cards in Disney Lorcana
Make banishment a bad idea.
Into the Inklands, the next set for Disney Lorcana, the trading card game featuring characters from across the company’s animated history, is due out this week. Another 204 cards will be added into the game with the arrival of Into the Inklands, including a number of fresh emerald ink cards.
Emerald is typically an ink colour that feels classically mischievous, punishing opponents by forcing them to discard cards, lose characters and even lore. The new emerald cards coming in Into the Inklands are certainly not straying far from this particular strategic approach, with players expected to have a tricky time dealing with anyone playing with emerald cards.
Best Into the Inklands emerald cards
- Morph, Space Goo
- Ursula, Deceiver of All
- Peter Pan, Lost Boy Leader
- Helga Sinclair, Femme Fatale
- Prince John, Phony King
- Robin Hood, Daydreamer
- Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis
The emerald cards in Into the Inklands feature characters from some of Disney’s most beloved animated films and series such as Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid and Robin Hood, alongside characters from the latest film to receive a nod from Lorcana: Treasure Planet. If you’re interested in messing up your opponents’ games with nasty tricks, here are the best emerald cards from Into the Inklands.
1. Morph, Space Goo
Turns into whatever you need it to be

Shift is an ability that enables players to put out some of the most powerful cards in Lorcana at a reduced cost. As long as the player has a card already in play matching the required criteria, then they’re able to play another - usually more powerful - card on top of it for less ink than it would cost to play it otherwise.
Morph, Space Goo is a wonderful little emerald card that enables players to place any card with the Shift keyword on top of it, regardless of the card’s usual requirements. The Treasure Planet card opens up a whole wealth of opportunities for players, allowing them to take advantage of the cheaper cost of Shift cards - as well as their impressive abilities - without needing to actually have the less powerful cards needed in their deck.
As a two-ink cost card, Morph, Space Goo, is an incredibly cheap way of getting some nasty cards onto the table very quickly - thereby putting your opponent on the back foot very early on. Play this card as a great early-game setup to make way for some excellent Shift cards that are sure to cause a stir.
2. Ursula, Deceiver of All
Sing when you’re winning

Ursula, the sea witch from The Little Mermaid, may be known for stealing other people’s voices but she’s got one heck of a voice herself - as proven by one of the new emerald cards found in Into the Inklands.
Ursula, Deceiver of All is a card that’s ideal for any Lorcana player who has a particular affinity for using song cards in their deck. Song cards are cards that can be played for free if ‘sung’ by an active character of a specified cost. This is powerful because it can allow players to essentially take an action that benefits their game and/or negatively affects their opponents’ for free.
With Ursula, Deceiver of All, this value proposition is taken even further thanks to the card’s What a Deal ability, which allows players to reuse song cards from their discard pile. Whenever Ursula, Deceiver of All, sings a song card, the player can then play that song card once more for free, before putting it at the bottom of the deck. If you’re using Ursula, Deceiver of All, to sing song cards costing three or less ink - such as Friends on the Other Side and Bear Necessities - then you’ll be able to perform their abilities twice in succession, which is possibly game changing. Lorcana song card lovers should put this character in their Into the Inklands deck.
3. Peter Pan, Lost Boy Leader
You can fly - to another location

Locations are an entirely new card type introduced in this next Disney Lorcana set. With location cards, players will be able to grant their character cards certain abilities, trigger the abilities of particular characters and passively gain lore: meaning that they won’t need to quest for it.
Peter Pan, Lost Boy Leader, is an emerald card that makes good use of the new location cards introduced in Into the Inklands. A four-cost card, Peter Pan, Lost Boy leader, enables players to collect an amount of lore equal to whichever location the character moves to. Players are only able to use this ability once per turn, however, with locations such as the McDuck Manor, Scrooge’s Mansion and RLS Legacy, Solar Galleon that means gaining an extra two lore on top of the lore they’ll passively gain from the location cards and the lore Peter Pan, Lost Boy Leader, can get by questing.
If you’re able to keep at least two location cards on the table, then you can have the boy in green flying between them every turn - quickly racking up the lore you need to win the game. Peter Pan, Lost Boy Leader, is a great card to put into your deck if you’re planning on seeing what all the fuss is about with the latest card type in Lorcana.
4. Helga Sinclair, Femme Fatale
Devil in a green dress

One of the villains from the sci-fi film Atlantis, Helga Sinclair’s cutthroat nature is on full display in her debut into Lorcana. Helga Sinclair, Femme Fatale, is an emerald card with decent stats and an even more ruthless ability.
This Changes Everything is an ability that allows players to deal three damage to another damaged character whenever Helga Sinclair, Femme Fatale, quests for lore. This means that not only do players gain the usual benefits from questing with this card - the two additional lore - but it also enables them to potentially banish an opponent’s card from the table without having to challenge them.
Players don’t even need to pick an opponent’s card to damage, as some cards in Lorcana grant benefits that more than make up for the loss of the character - especially emerald ink cards, such as Lyle Tiberius Rourke, Cunning Mercenary - which forces an opponent to lose a lore every time one of your characters is banished - or even Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis: forcing all your opponents to return all their character cards to their hands.
Helga Sinclair, Femme Fatale, also has the Shift ability - allowing the player to play the card at a reduced cost of three, instead of the usual five, if they have already have another Helga Sinclair character card on the table. This character card that’s good to put into any particularly aggressive Lorcana deck, thanks to the fact that it can really help with clearing out opponents’ characters whilst gaining lore at the same time.
5. Prince John, Phony King
He’s sure to be known as John the Worst

The dastardly, greedy Prince John is one of several villains in the classic 1973 animated Disney film, Robin Hood. Known for his love of money - and unfortunate habit of sucking his own thumb - Prince John is well represented in his latest Disney Lorcana card.
Prince John, Phony King, is an emerald card that costs five ink to play and has some okay stats of two willpower and four health. The real strength of this card is in its key ability - Collect Taxes, which forces each opponent to lose two lore if they have more lore than the player currently controlling Prince John, Phony King, whenever the card quests.
This is an excellent ability as it provides the perfect opportunity for a player who is behind their opponent/s in lore to very quickly catch up. Not only is the player gaining two lore from performing the quest action with Prince John, Phony King, but they’re also forcing those players who have more lore than them to lose two themselves every time this happens.
Prince John, Phony King, is also an excellent deterrent for your opponents to attempt to gain more lore than you whilst the card is out, as you can very quickly nab it away from them the next turn. This will mean that your opponents will be incentivised to spent resources and turns attempting to get rid of Prince John, Phony King, or otherwise risk lagging behind in the very important Lorcana lore game.
6. Robin Hood, Daydreamer
Relax and let the lore roll in

Unlike a lot of the cards on this list, Robin Hood, Daydreamer doesn’t have any special abilities. What it does have is a relatively low ink cost for a very high amount of lore. Robin Hood, Daydreamer is a six-ink cost card which, whilst not inexpensive, is a very good deal when you consider that questing with the character will gain you four lore in a single turn.
The character’s five-health stat will also make it more difficult for players to take it down in a challenge, with a lot of the smaller damage actions and song cards - like Let the Storm Rage On - not quite taking the card out. Opponents would need to have a high damage-dealing character on the table, ready to challenge, or a card like Along Came Zeus to deal enough damage to banish Robin Hood, Daydreamer.
Otherwise, you can combine Robin Hood, Daydreamer, with one of the new location cards featured in Into the Inklands to grant the character some additional protection from banishment - such as Pride Lands, Pride Rock, which gives an extra two health to any characters placed onto that location, or RLS Legacy, Solar Galleon, that will give the Evasive condition to any cards there: meaning that they cannot be challenged by any characters unless they’re also Evasive.
Alternatively, you can play a Bodyguard alongside Robin Hood, Daydreamer - such as Baloo, von Bruinwald XIII or Little John, Robin’s Pal - thereby forcing opponent/s to challenge them first, before they can try to take on the card that’s currently pulling in four lore a turn.
7. Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis
A nasty surprise

One of several characters from the 2000’s Disney film Atlantis featured in this new set, Milo Thatch is a nerdy researcher who forms a team of people to discover the lost underwater city. Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis, is a Lorcana card that depicts the character after the events of the film as a monarch of the ancient civilisation.
Costing seven ink to play, Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis, is an emerald card worth having thanks to its Take Them by Surprise ability - which returns all opposing characters to their players’ hands when this card is banished. This promises a nasty punishment for any players who try to remove Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis from the board - removing any strategies they might currently have had in play and forcing them to spend ink to get their previously placed characters back out.
Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis’ capability to gather three lore every time it quests makes it a card that could be foolish to leave on the table for too long. However, its ability means that it’s a harsh sacrifice for opponents to have to take to get rid of it.
Add the card’s Shift ability to the mix - which enables players to place it for four ink, instead of the usual seven, if they already have a Milo Thatch card on the board - and Milo Thatch, King of Atlantis proves to be a rather formidable Lorcana emerald card.