Age of Sigmar RTS Realms of Ruin’s first gameplay shows off sneaky Orruks, lightning strikes and plenty of shouting - and you can play it next month
This time it’s waaaaargh.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar RTS game Realms of Ruin has revealed its first gameplay, including the powers of its Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Kruleboyz, along with the dates for its open beta.
Realms of Ruin was revealed at the end of May as the first real-time strategy game based on Age of Sigmar, Warhammer’s latest fantasy outing. The PC and console game will include both multiplayer modes and a single-player campaign co-written by Black Library veteran Gav Thorpe, starring four factions from among Age of Sigmar’s armies.
The first two of those factions to be revealed are the Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Kruleboyz, who are the focus of Realms of Ruin’s first gameplay trailer.
The glimpse of gameplay shows squads of armoured Sigmarines and waaaaargh-ing orruks fighting to capture strategic points, as well as making use of vehicles and mounts. Among the units spotted in the trailer are Stormcast Liberators, Orruk Gutrippaz and crossbow-wielding Man-Skewer Boltboyz - who use a special ability to turn invisible, before being struck down by a Stormcast Eternal’s summoned lightning strike.

The dramatic trailer - scored with a suitably OTT orchestral choir - also gives us a quick look at story cutscenes with Stormcast Eternals leader Sigrun, whom the campaign follows in her efforts to defend the fortress of Harkanibus in the swampy realm of Ghur.
The trailer ends with the reveal that Realms of Ruins’ open beta - giving a peek at one-versus-one multiplayer matches - will take place from July 7th to 10th next month, with studio Frontier Developments yet to announce a full release date for the upcoming game.